How To: Export List From eLead CRM

Exporting a list from eLead CRM is a useful feature that allows you to extract and save data for Matador Broadcasting. This article will guide you through the steps involved in exporting a list from eLead CRM, ensuring you can efficiently

Step 1: Accessing eLead CRM:

  1. Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the eLead CRM website.
  2. Enter your login credentials (username and password) to log into your eLead CRM account.

Step 2: Select Search in the Top Menu Bar: 

  1. Select the criteria you wish to export from the top right drop down, Prospects, Sold or Service Data.
  2. Using the available filters, filter down your data to only include the most relative clients for your Broadcast goal.
  3. Click "Go" on the bottom center to populate your list

Step 3: Exporting the List:

  1. Click "Download To Excel" on the top List Menu.

Continue with Broadcasting from an Excel or CSV file here: